
Jahanara Suren


Roland of Follifoote 
Prince and Princess of Insulae Draconis
Their Highnesses seek to enable the joy of every member and guest to our fair Principality by safeguarding a place in which all can thrive, practicing what they love best and providing the opportunity to explore new challenges.
Regarding food
Her Highness can only tolerate milk in small quantities. Her Highness can no longer tolerate caffeine, but you may see her enjoying a cunningly disguised caffeine free substitute, or occasionally deciding coffee is worth the sides effects. Her Highness enjoys sweets, especially sweet meads, liquors. His Highness has no food restrictions, but is drawn to savory flavors over sweet.

From His Highness

I am especially interested in the natural sciences as understood in period and welcome any discussion, project, display or experiment that explores this topic.

Royal Progress

Events their Highnesses are planning to attend are marked with a Crown icon in the Principality Calendar.

Royal Court and retinue

Principality Protectors

Archery Protector Viscount Yannick of Normandy
Armoured Combat Protector Count Avery Westfall
Arts & Sciences Protector Viscountess Euphrosyne Eirenikina
Rapier Protector Lady Angelica Andegavensis
Equestrian Protector Lady Elisabeth Hardyng

Household & Retinue

West Chamberlain Lord Micheal of Dun in Mara
East Chamberlain Lady Rebecca of Flintheath
Major Domo Lord Kenneth Elliot
Armoured Champion Viscountess Valda ingen Cháemgein
Rapier Champion TBD
Arts & Sciences Champion Lady Meadhbh Rois inghean Uí Chaoimh
Archery Champion Lady Shannon of Oak of Honor Hill
Equestrian Champion Phil of Flintheath
Court Astrologer Mistress Ysabella-Maria de San Lázaro
Royal Cartographer Viscount Yannick of Normandy


Yule Ball Viscountess Euphrosyne
Eistddfod III Viscountess Euphrosyne


Yule Ball Countess Saxa and Duchess Angharad
Eistddfod III Viscountess Euphrosyne
Spring Crown Duchess Isabetta, Countess Saxa, Duchess Angharad, Viscount Valda, Mistress Marcella


Yule Ball Lady Shirin Peroz-Duxt
Eistddfod III HL Maredudd ap Gwylim
Spring Crown HL Orlaith

About the Coronets

The Coronets of Insulae Draconis (Princes, Princesses, or equal titles from other languages) represent the Crown of Drachenwald in the Principality. As such, they should be treated as any other royal couple in the Kingdom. In essence, be courteous and respectful of what they are representing and of the fact that their time often is not their own. Much of each event they attend will be spent officiating, being in meetings, or just listening to people's opinions. Read more about how to behave around the Coronets including at Court.

The Coronets will hold Court at most events at which they are in attendance. They may have announcements for public business but they also are responsible for bestowing Awards on members where the people of Insulae Draconis have recommended that a member should be so honoured. Insulae Draconis has many ways to reward people for hard work, skill and courtesy. You can read more about awards, check whether someone already has an award and then make an award recommendation

Our previous Coronets