1. Purpose
The Dawn Company was formed to promote, encourage and champion armoured combat in the Principality of Insulae Draconis. The Company is committed to training fighters and trainers and to enabling all its members to seek out ways to improve their skills relating to armoured combat. The Company exists to provide kinship, camaraderie and mentorship. The Company draws inspiration from the Chivalric path and seeks to conduct all its activities through courtesy and honour. The Company celebrates the joy in the art of combat and seeks it out equally in exciting tournaments as well as on the training field.
While the Company was formed to address a specific need in the Principality of Insulae Draconis, and it is to be expected that most of its members are likely to be subjects of that Coronet, the Company welcomes all armoured fighters and those non-fighters who take joy in and support armoured combat by heralding, listkeeping, waterbearing, armouring, marshalling, and myriad other activities, regardless of where they reside.
2. Activities
Training (particularly those with no access to regular practice)
Events - we commit to organising armoured combat-themed events and activities at other events throughout the year. These events will include substantial amounts of training, tourneys, and any other classes or activities that pertain to armoured fighting.
In order to encourage a sense of progress within the armoured fighting community, we will create, maintain and develop a collaborative and supportive community with a system of ranks within the company for the fighters to advance through.
Once per year a great tournament and feast will be held to celebrate the art of armoured combat. At this event matters pertaining to the running of the company will be discussed and voted upon.
3. Administration
The Company is headed by the Primus, whose role is to drive and coordinate the Company’s activities.
The Primus is supported by the Company Scribe, whose tasks include (1) assisting with coordinating the Company’s activities, (2) maintaining the Scroll of Members, (3) maintaining the Company Calendar, and (4) tracking the members’ progress within the ranks.
The Company Chronicler records the members’ deeds of arms.
The Scribe and the Chronicler need not be armoured fighters and it is encouraged to draw the persons for these positions from among the non-fighting members of the Society.
The Company can be contacted by email at dc@insulaedraconis.org
In all matters this charter is subservient to Principality and Kingdom law. This charter is a living document, which will be constantly revised and developed as needs or issues arise.
4. Privileges and responsibilities of members
A member of the Dawn Company shall be an armoured combatant or a non-fighter who is dedicated to actively promoting and supporting armoured combat through activities such as marshalling, heralding, list maintenance or similar.
Only armoured combatants may advance in combat ranks.
A member shall be a fully paid member of Insulae Draconis CIC, other affiliate, or the SCA Inc.
A member is responsible for the development and promotion of armoured combat in Insulae Draconis.
A member is responsible for developing their weapons and armour in a manner fit to serve the principality, and the kingdom.
A member is responsible for maintaining an inclusive and open community to widen the accessibility of armoured combat to all.
A member shall not discriminate, harass, make fun, exclude, or refuse entry to or advancement in the Company based on gender identity; sexuality; ethnic, cultural or religious background; or any similar characteristic.
A member retains the right to be part of any other recognised household/guild/Company or company within the known world and will not be penalised for this.
A member of the company will have the right to attend and vote on all matters put to the members at the Company’s annual feast.
A member has the right to have their great deeds of arms or heroic failures recorded in the Company annals as they so desire.
A member who is an armoured combatant can accrue standing in the Company by attending wars and tournaments both in and out of the principality.
5. Privileges and responsibilities of the officers
In addition to above:
The Company officers are the Primus, Scribe and Chronicler.
An officer of the company is responsible for maintaining their arms and armour (if applicable) in good condition so as to be available to serve the Coronet and Crown as required.
An officer is required to act in an exemplary manner to make accessible and inclusive, inspire and develop the fighting community in Insulae Draconis.
An officer of the company accepts their role for two years and this is not extendable. An officer may step down before their term of two years is complete but they should do their utmost to find a replacement with the assistance of the rest of the Company.
5.1 Primus
The Primus of the company is required to maintain the company charter and put to the vote such matters which may pertain to the smooth running of the company.
The Primus must be a fighting member of good standing of the Company.
The Primus is elected by the members of good standing of the Company every two years from the members of the Company. This is not extendable and terms may not be served consecutively.
If no replacement for the Primus exists then the company will revert to direct control by the Scribe who will act as caretaker until a suitable candidate presents themselves.
5.2 Scribe
The Scribe is responsible for maintaining the ranking system and responding to any queries concerning the Company.
The Scribe is responsible for ensuring that the annual Company feast occurs. The scribe is not expected to organise this themselves, but rather liaise with event stewards and the rest of the Company.
The Scribe is required to be a member of the company in good standing and is elected every two years from the members. This is not extendable and terms may not be served consecutively.
5.3 Chronicler
The Chronicler is responsible for recording the members’ deeds of arms and publishing them for the greater inspiration, edification and entertainment of the people.
The Chronicler is required to be a member of the company in good standing and is elected every two years from the members. This is not extendable and terms may not be served consecutively.
6. Advancement
Aspirant: Any member actively seeking advancement to the next rank.
Advancement in the company is in accordance with the requirements below. Any fighter may join the company as an Initiate, but advancement beyond that will not be possible until the fighter has proved they have met further requirements. Only full members enjoy the full privileges and responsibilities within the Company.
As advancement through the ranks is designed to encourage the art of armoured combat, only those members who are armoured combatants are eligible to advance in combat ranks.
No grandfathering in of previous excellence is permitted and all members start at as an initiate until they have been formally verified for advancement through active participation in the armoured combat community.
6.1 Company marks
Company marks are gained by participation in martial activities at events listed in Principality or Kingdom Calendars.
Only one mark may be gained for each weekend of activity (including single day events). Events that span two weekends may accrue two marks. In order to gain two marks at an event which spans two weekends, the Aspirant must have taken part in at least two separate armoured combat activities during that time, either as a marshal or as a fighter.
Examples of eligible martial activities include:
- Fighting in a tourney, melee scenario or war
- Fighting pick-ups
- Participating in training as a trainee, trainer or both
- Marshalling a tournament or war
All Marks are held by the Company and tracked by the Scribe until such time the member decides to cash them in to become Aspirant to the next Rank.
It is the Aspirant’s responsibility to submit their activities to the Company Scribe by filling in the online form on the Company webpage. Activities may be reported up to one year after they occurred. Activities which occurred prior to joining the order will not count towards advancement. Failure to inform the scribe of activities will result in those Marks being void.
Once the Aspirant believes that they have met the requirements for advancement, and with the support of an existing company member (“Guardian”), they may issue a challenge to the company for advancement to the next rank. The Guardian and the company will organise this opportunity in discussion with the Aspirant. The challenge shall be made publicly known and celebrated on its occurrence.
A Guardian shall normally be a fighter of the next rank. If none exist, two members of the same rank can sponsor an Aspirant as joint guardians.
6.2 Departure from the Company
A member may leave the Dawn Company at any time.
All Company Marks accrued will be void.
A resignation must be in a written form and sent to the Primus, who will then forward the resignation on to the Dawn Company Scribe.
Should a member that has left the Dawn Company choose to rejoin, they may do so, with their latest rank retained, if three (3) Dawn Company members of the corresponding rank or higher support it.
Any time spent outside the Dawn Company will not count towards requirements for the next rank.
6.3 Expulsion from the Company
If sufficient grounds exist a member may be removed from The Dawn Company.
Sufficient grounds for expulsion include not adhering to the Charter and By-Laws of The Dawn Company
Expulsion from the Dawn Company is subject to the following procedure: At least five(5) members must propose to the Primus that they want to remove a particular member from the Company. The Primus will inform the member to be expelled and announce when and where the meeting to vote on such expulsions will be held. The announcement will be made by email.
A vote will take place on the removal of the member.
The Primus and Company Scribe cannot be removed from the Company before they are removed from their office.
7. Company Ranks
7.1 Castellan
This rank consists of the non-fighting members of the Company. This rank is not considered to be below the combatant ranks, but is to be regarded as a separate but equal category.
In order to be eligible to attain this rank, an Aspirant must:
- Be a non-fighter who consistently and demonstrably shows support to the armoured fighting community through activities such as heralding, list-keeping, marshalling and similar.
- Demonstrate a consistent desire and drive to promote and encourage the art of armoured fighting.
7.2 Initiate
All fighting members will begin their journey at this rank.
- Be an actively participating armoured combatant
7.3 Yeoman
In order to be eligible to attain this rank, an Aspirant must:
- Be an actively participating armoured combatant
- Be in possession of one (1) Company mark as proof from participating in an eligible martial activity.
7.4 Serjeant
In order to be eligible to advance to this rank, the Yeoman must:
- Own their own combat legal helmet and weapons
- Have served for at least one year as a Yeoman
- Be in possession of five (5) Company marks as proof from participating in eligible tournaments and other martial activities
- Demonstrate prowess in one weapon form to the assembled members by the means of a Pas D’Armes challenge combat until all are satisfied.
- While at events, dress in a period style off the field, and on the field hide all non-period armour (e.g. plastic) under period-style garments or cover such armour pieces with period fabric, leather, etc.
- Conduct themselves honourably on and off the field.
7.5 Vingtenaur
In order to be eligible to advance to this rank, the Serjeant must:
- Own their own full armour, including shield, and weapons
- Have served for at least one year as a Serjeant
- Be in possession of ten (10) Company marks as proof from participating in eligible tournaments or other martial activities since their ascendance to Serjeant
- Demonstrate prowess in two weapons forms to the assembled members by the means of a Pas D’Armes challenge combat until all are satisfied
- Be an armoured fighting marshal or an armoured fighting marshal in training
- Show evidence of teaching any element of armoured fighting to others
- Dress in a period style off the field, and on the field hide all non-period armour (e.g. plastic) under period-style garments or cover such armour pieces with period materials. The aspirant will make an effort to display their own, their household, the Principality or Company heraldry, or any other heraldry they are entitled to display.
- Conduct themselves honourably on and off the field.
7.6 Centenaur
In order to be eligible to advance to this rank, the Vingtenaur must:
- Be in possession of twenty (20) Company marks as proof from participating in eligible tournaments or other eligible martial activities since their ascendance to Vingtenaur
- Served at least a year as a Vingtenaur
- Demonstrate prowess in three weapons forms to the assembled members by the means of a Pas D’Armes challenge combat until all are satisfied
- Be an armoured fighting marshal, preferably an authorising marshal
- Show evidence of a substantial record of teaching armoured fighting to others
- Show evidence of ability to teach others how to teach armoured fighting
- Dress in a period style off the field, and on the field hide all non-period armour (e.g. plastic) under period-style garments or cover such armour pieces with period materials. The aspirant is expected to display their own, their household, the Principality or Company heraldry, or any other heraldry they are entitled to display.
- Conduct themselves with honor on and off the field.
8. Pas D’Armes Challenge
In its most basic form the Pas D’Armes is one fighter holding the field against all comers.
There are many forms this challenge may take. See the Dawn Company page on the insulaedraconis.org website for more details.
9. Mundane notes
The company achievements, ranks and annals are kept as a page on the Insulae Draconis website with the company charter as a freely accessible PDF. The scribe should be provided with an email address so that members can send activity reports directly.
Founded during the Great Plague of AS 54
The founding members of this Company are:
Viscount Yannick of Normandy, OP
Lord Alexander of Derlington
Lady Agnes des Illes
Who were advised by Prince Avery Westfall, Viscount Joel ben Stuart, and Viscountess Valda Kevinsdotter.