Considerations if your group wishes to bid for the Coronet Tournament event.
Twice a year Coronet Tourney will take place in any of the Shires of Insulae Draconis. There are also opportunities to propose to run Crown events, details of this can be found on the Drachenwald website.
The Insulae Dracnonis Seneschal will let it be known that event bids are being requested and the Seneschal and Exchequer will decide on the winning one. The seneschal of your group will propose the event bid and they must be fully on board with your Group’s bid. Before you consider making a bid here is a general overview of the kinds of information you will need to provide:
Details about your event team - the event steward, head cook, marshal in charge, reservation steward, event herald and so on - including their experience and details of previous events. This also includes details about the people needed to get the site set up and cleaned up after.
Details about the site being proposed for the site - how many beds, classrooms, halls, is there indoor and outdoor space? There must be an area suitable for the Tourney itself, what are the options in inclement weather? How many can be safely accommodated? How many can be seated for feast? Is bedding provided? How many tables and chairs are there. Is it wheelchair accessible? What is the alcohol policy? Is there sufficient parking? What is the Fire safety policy? Are pets allowed? Will the event have exclusive access to the site?
Is there a kitchen of sufficient size to cater for the expected numbers? Des it have suitable cooker(s), refrigeration, dishwasher and so on? How will shopping for food and event supplies be handled? Is the water potable?
What other activities are your proposing to run at the event, what space and facilities are there for those? What are the options in inclement weather?
Budget information: how much does the site cost? What are your food cost estimations, what is your break even number, how much are you proposing to charge as an event fee? You must have a clear breakdown of fees per adult, child and family and lay out if there are separate fees for day trippers and those staying for the full event with accommodation.
Travel arrangements - what public transport options are there, how will people get to the site, will there be pickups from airport and bus or train stations?
Are there alternative accommodation options like hotels, guest houses, B&Bs or hostels nearby?